Ades and Ale to Aid Upset Tummies, Part 2: Dr. Rosi’s Miracle Punch Recipe (Sometimes Known as Witch’s Brew)

Note: This does not constitute medical advice. It’s mother advice. Consult with your own doctor as needed.

I served switchel exclusively for upset tummies until I learned of a trick from a family practitioner that  worked so well, I converted. A family doctor we used to know is the source of a recipe we have now used for years when tummies are violently upset. Another mother told me she was so sick to her stomach she was getting dehydrated, so she begged the doctor for something to quiet her stomach before she ended up at the ER on IV. He said, “I could tell you, but you won’t use it. ” She promised to use it, and he gave her this recipe.  It worked.  I got it from him, too, and It has worked every time we’ve tried it.  The resulting punch drink looks terrible. So terrible, in fact, that my family has taken to calling it “Witches’ Brew.” However strange it looks, it *tastes fine*. And it works.

Dr. Rosi’s Miracle Punch for Upset Tummies (a.k.a. Witch’s Brew)

1 C Orange Juice

1C Black Tea

1C Flat cola.

Mix together.

Dr Rosi’s instructions: Take 1 Tablespoon.  If it stays down, 15 minutes later take 2 Tablespoons. 15 minutes later take 4 Tablespoons.  As long as it stays down, keep doubling the dose every 15 minutes until you can take and keep down 2 cups. If it doesn’t stay down,   start over again at 1 Tablespoon.

This stuff works wonders.

We recently had the flu, and, knowing these ingredients are not on the gut healing protocol, I wrestled with whether or not to use it, then decided to go ahead.  I actually made both Switchel and Witch’s Brew and let various family members  take what was needed at different times.   On my next appointment with the gut doctor I told her about it and she said, “Do what you need to do to get well, then get right back on the program.”  That seems like a sane way to live.

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